Local Programs & Initiatives




The Junior Esquire Academy is a mentorship program designed for 7th & 8th grade boys to develop and enhance their social emotional learning skills.

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Our committees serving our community

  • Alpha Esquires

    Bros. Carlos Bing, Chontae Pennyman, and Epifanio Torres - The Alpha Esquires is a youth development group sponsored by Alpha Rho Lambda Chapter. The group consists of young men from the Franklin County area who are in grades 9-12. The group objectives are to involve the young men in programs in leadership development training, career awareness, community involvement, educational planning, communication skills and social awareness. The group goals are for each Alpha Esquire to strive for scholastic excellence and the development of good leadership skills that maintain focus towards their life goals.

    If you are a parent and you're interested in having your son join the Esquires program, or have questions about the program in general, please email esquirescolumbus@gmail.com.

  • Black and Gold Mistletoe

    Bros. Ted Harris and David Johnson - This committee heads the production and planning of our annual Mistletoe party.

  • Civic Endeavors

    Bro. Raphael Davis-Williams - The Civic Endeavors committee is the driving force behind the chapter's initiative of ensuring voters are well-informed, increasing voter engagement, and maintaining voter interest even when in limbo between elections.

  • Education Foundation

    Bro. Landon Adams - The Education Foundation is the Non-profit charitable arm of  Alpha Rho Lambda Chapter which focuses on scholarship and programs to encourage and assist students to further their education.

  • Health & Wellness

    Bros. Doug Worthington and Harold Nicholson - The mission, description, and focus of the ARL Health & Wellness committee is as follows:

    - provide current information to Alpha Rho Lambda via Chapter meeting and ARL listserv in order to improve situational awareness of trending health matters affecting our community

    - provide subject matter experts of health matters for town halls sponsored by the Civic Endeavors Committee

    - provide health & wellness themes and topics of discussion for town hall meetings

    - sponsor & coordinate blood drives to address blood needs of children affected with Sickle Cell Disease

    - sponsor and recruit for COVID Testing in coordination with the Civic Endeavors Committee

    - coordinate with African American Male Wellness Walk personnel for Alpha Rho Lambda participation

  • Public Relations

    Bro. Chase Moore - The Public Relations (PR) committee is responsible for the representation of the chapter in any and all forms of mass media, including (but not limited to): physical and digital flyers, logos, photos, videos, articles, website posts, and social media posts.

  • Awards

    Bro. Ezekiel Peebles - The Awards committee is responsible for the deisgnation of awards to members of ARL for their astoudning efforts and achievements in regards to the spirit of fraternity.

  • College Brothers Affairs

    Bro. Charles Hill - The College Brothers Affairs committee is responsible for the communication and correspondence with the college chapters within the local Central Ohio area.

  • Membership & Reclamation

    Bros. Dr. Nicholas Gatlin,  Dr. Clayton Hicks, and Jonathan D. Bailey, Sr. - The purpose of the Membership & Reclamation committee of ARL is to assist brothers in "re-joining" the chapter after one has been away for an extended period due to one or a multitude of reasons (including, but not limited to; financial, emotional, spiritual, mental, etc.).

  • NPHC

    Bros. Bill Turner & Chase Moore - The NPHC committee is a joint effort between all organizations in the Divine Nine to provide a positive impact on our communities.

  • Junior Esquires Academy

    Bros. Marvin Brotherton and Philip Calloway - The Junior Esquires Academy a program that focuses on working with middle school boys on Social Emotional Learning skills.

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