ARL ILLUMINATOR VOL. 16 – Spring Issue, 2021

Bro. Chris Ray • April 9, 2021

The President's Corner

I don’t know about you, but I am filled with anticipation right now. We have reached the time of year where, even though there were snow flurries last week, we have now experienced multiple days of 70-degree weather. People are starting to cut their grass, trees are starting to bud, and flowers are beginning to bloom. Spring is here, and with that comes the annual sense of anticipation and excitement of new things to come.

Anticipation abounds as we think about a return to normalcy, or rather the beginning of a new normal, as it relates to the broad distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine. As we get vaccinated, there is most definitely an excitement building around being able to see each other again, being together in the same spaces, and being able to, once again, share our brotherly grip with each other!

Unfortunately, however, a nervous anticipation also exists when it comes to the Derek Chauvin murder trial. It was nearly a year ago when we all watched in horror as former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin knelt with his knee on the neck of George Floyd, ultimately killing Floyd. As this murder trial progresses, our community rightfully has a nervous anticipation as we know that while equal justice under the law is lauded, it is not always realized by our community. We will await the jury verdict with anticipation.

Anticipation also exists as we have watched the State of Georgia, and other states, launch an all-out assault on voting rights in America. As many other state legislatures contemplate modifying their state voting rights and, in many instances, making it significantly more difficult to cast votes in our elections, we are left with anticipation of seeing how this plays out in our country.

As our anticipation exists, in some instances positively and in another instances nervously, it highlights the fact that there is always work for Alpha to do. We know how important voting is to our community. We know that voter registration, education, and mobilization is the key to experiencing the change that we want to see in our communities. And while we can’t control the result or outcome of the jury‘s verdict in Minneapolis, we can continue to do our work right here in central Ohio, to serve and advocate for our communities.

We have work to do Brothers, and it’s with excitement that I anticipate all that we will continue to do.  As we have done for the last 114 years as a Fraternity, and over the last 91 years as a Chapter, I anticipate that we will continue to do great work and that we will lead in our community.  Together!

Happy Spring, Brothers.  Let’s keep up the great work of Alpha!

- Bro. President Luke Fedlam

The Chaplain's Ward

Greetings Brothers,

I want to thank my incredible Alpha Rho Lambda brothers for your outstanding support of myself in my role as Chaplain. Each brothers’ activism and brotherhood have affected the Columbus community in immeasurable ways through the dynamic committees and as individuals. Also, I am glad to play a role in connecting Alpha Rho Lambda to the Columbus Unit of the NAACP and I urge all brothers to join the NAACP to continue the great civic work of both organizations. 

In this Chaplain’s Corner segment, I want to convey the message of hope. Since, the last edition, we have a new U.S. President, Joseph Biden, and the first African American and woman Vice President, Kamala Harris (a proud member and Alpha chapter initiate of Alpha Kappa Alpha. We have three nationally recognized vaccines to combat COVID-19 and we will be receiving another round of stimulus funding. Also, brothers like Dana Burke, Wiley Bates, Larry Edwards, Walter Penn and Eugene Wise continue to serve as inspirations through their positivity when overcoming health challenges. Although we have been surrounded by clouds, a new day of rejoicing is on the horizon.


I am excited to announce that on April 21, 2021, we will mark the seventh ARL Spiritual Wellness Check-in. It has been a great success with several brothers coming together every month providing testimonies and encouragement. The ARL Spiritual Wellness Check-in is held every 3rd Wednesday at 7pm. Additionally, I encourage brothers to continue to check in on our sick and distressed brothers. Brothers, if you know of brothers who are sick, in distress, or who have passed away, please let me or the My Brothers’ Keeper Committee know as soon as you find out so I can respond in a timely manner. In addition, if brothers are doing well and would like prayer/counsel, please let me know as well as there are so many good things going on for Columbus area brothers.  I will continue to keep all of our brothers and families in our prayers for prosperity, healing, strength, and wisdom.


Let's particularly keep the families in prayer of our deceased brothers since the last publication including Bros. Jon Moorehead, Austin Cheek II, Aurealius Thomas, and Marvin Brotherton, Sr. These brothers were giants in our communities and truly reflected the values of Alpha men and more importantly, men of God. I also ask that we continue to uplift our Alpha Esquires, Junior Esquires, and their advisors in your prayers as they are our future.

“We have come this far by faith,

Leaning on the Lord,

Trusting in His holy Word,

He's never failed us --yet.

Singin' oh, oh, oh, can't turn a-round,

We've come this far by faith.



Bro. Roderick "Rodney" Q. Blount, Jr.


COVID-19 Vaccines and Our Return to Normalcy

For the last year, we have watched health reports related to COVID-19 that included the number of new cases, number of new hospitalizations and the number of daily deaths.  These numbers were ominous and literally held us hostage.  Now, there is another number to garner our attention and with its increase we move closer to realizing our new “post-COVID normal”. That number is the number of newly vaccinated Americans.  Currently, over 46 million people have been fully vaccinated.  Unfortunately, the African American community only makes up approximately 4% of those receiving the vaccine.  Our communities have been the most hesitant to get the vaccine. The reasons are multi-factorial and deeply rooted in a history of abuse and exploitation of black Americans by our nation’s healthcare system in the name of scientific research.  These reservations are understandable, but we must trust the science and the recommendations of science professionals and healthcare providers from the African American community who have given the vaccine a stamp of approval.  As a healthcare provider, I have studied the research pertaining to the development of the vaccines and feel very confident that the proper procedures were used in their creation to ensure they are safe and effective at protecting us from severe illness and death caused by COVID-19.  

Often, I am asked why does everyone have to be vaccinated?  The truth is everyone does not have to be vaccinated. It is estimated that at least 70% of society has to take the vaccine for us to establish “herd immunity”.  “Herd immunity” is when enough people become immune to a disease to make its spread unlikely. As a result, the entire community is protected, even those who are not themselves immune.  So, why should YOU take the vaccine?  The obvious answer is to avoid contracting COVID, getting sick and possible dying. Also, to decrease the risk of exposing others and making them sick.  The not so obvious reason is a mathematical problem.  The vaccines are only recommended for those 16 years and older which represents 76% of the population.  Remember I said earlier that 70% was needed for “herd immunity”. If you subtract those who can’t be vaccinated for other health and non-health reasons, which is estimated to be about 4-7% of the population, it is easy to see why every person is important.  Every vaccinated person counts.

Our community still has many questions about the COVID-19 vaccines.  Some ask, was the vaccine rushed to production and did it go through all of the routine procedures for vaccine creation?  The answer is emphatically, No. This vaccine took about a month less than it takes to create a seasonal flu vaccine each year.  Due to the pandemic and alarming rates of deaths, more resources were focused on the development of a safe and effective vaccines. What affect do these vaccines have on women?  Research has found that all of the approved COVID-19 vaccines are safe for women to take during pregnancy and while breast feeding, and they have not been shown to cause sterility.  Do the vaccines increase your risk of developing blood clots?  No.  The newest vaccine by AstraZeneca was suspected to cause an increased risk of blood clots but this has been shown not to be true.  The AstraZeneca vaccine is currently not approved for use in the United States.  How do we know what long-term affect the vaccine may have on us?  This has been a question asked since the first vaccine was given way back in the 1700’s.  No vaccine has been shown to pose a long-term health risk and these vaccines are no different.  How long will this vaccine last and how often will we have to take the vaccine?  Currently, it is not known how long the immunity from the vaccines will last or if a booster will be needed, but as we continue to study the vaccine these questions will be answered.  Do all of the vaccines protect me from the different variants of COVID?  The answer is tricky.  Each of the currently approved vaccines are effective in protecting us from the most common variance of the SARS-CoV-2 virus that cause the COVID-19 infection.  The vaccines will continue to be refined as variants are discovered to help protect our communities.   

Many ask “which vaccine is the best?”.  The best COVID-19 vaccine is the one you take. It is important you get vaccinated when it is your turn to do so and encourage others to do the same.  Protect yourself, family, and community.  We are all in this together. 

- Bro. Troy Johnson


'From Chaos to Community':

Exploring the Role of Religion in Social Justice Movements

This past January, Bro. Rev. Dr. Jack Sullivan, Jr. (pictured left) embarked on a trip to Indiana in order to protest against the federal executions of Lisa Montgomery and Dustin Higgs, and also served as a panelist on the virtual panel "From Chaos to Community" which covered the role that religion plays in social justice movements. Local news outlet Columbus Alive took a deep-dive into his concerns, beliefs, and experiences as it pertains to the struggle of church vs. politics.

Read the full article here!

Alpha Rho Lambda's Education Foundation:

40 Years of Excellence

During the 2020 calendar year, Alpha Rho Lambda's Education Foundation celebrated its 40th anniversary; and, despite all the challenges society as a whole faced this past year, the foundation still managed to thrive and produce one of its biggest years yet. Here are just a few notable stats and facts:

  • $52,000 was raised by way of grants, donations, and designated giving!
  • The Education Foundation created partnerships with The Columbus Foundation, Cardinal Health, the City of Columbus, Network for Good, Amazon Smile, and United Way of Central Ohio
  • A new mentorship effort was launched in the Junior Esquires Academny, which focuses on 7th and 8th grade boys
  • The foundation joined "Intelligent Office", a corporation that provides administrative support and physical meeting spaces
  • Receiving two grants, the foundation was able to secure new tech that allowed them to transition into the virtual world, provide for socially-distanced meetings, and acquire well-needed PPE for participants

In addition, two long-time standing members of ARL that have dedicated many years of their life to see the development and success of the Education Foundation were recently honored as Trustees Emeritus: Bro. Don Bess (Delta Upsilon chapter initiate - 11/7/1965) and Bro. Wiley E. Bates (Kappa chapter initiate - 10/12/1962). 

And let's not forget our three Education Foundation scholarship recipients:

  1. Ian Enders (Alpha Esquire): Miami University
  2. Myles Smith (Alpha Esquire): The Ohio State University
  3. Emaí Daniel: North Carolina A&T State University

Congratulations to all three  students! We wish you all the best as you begin your journeys into the collegiate world.

This was a very successful year for the Education Foundation. We applaud Bro. Landon Adamns (Chair) (pictured), Bro. Charles Hill (Vice Chair), and the rest of the Education Foundation Trustees, Staff Support, and Ex Officio who all worked relentlessly over the course of the past year to help make this all happen. Here's to another 40 years of scholarship!

Donations to the Education Foundation can be made here, via Cash App ($ARLFoundation), or PayPal (

By Chris Ray April 15, 2022
President's Corner
By Chris Ray December 25, 2020
We hope you all are enjoying this joyful day amongst friends and family. Merry Christmas from the 138th House! 🎄🤙🏾 The post Merry Christmas! first appeared on Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Rho Lambda, Columbus, OH.
By Chris Ray December 25, 2020
On behalf of the Junior Esquires Academy committee and the Alpha Rho Lambda chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., we wish you all Happy Holidays and a prosperous New Year! The post Happy Holidays from the Junior Esquires! first appeared on Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Rho Lambda, Columbus, OH.
By Chris Ray December 21, 2020
On this day 91 years ago, the COLDEST chapter ever was chartered. Happy Charter Day to the 138th House! 🤙🏾 The post Happy 91st Charter Day! first appeared on Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Rho Lambda, Columbus, OH.
By Bro. Chris Ray December 18, 2020
The brothers of Alpha Rho Lambda chapter would like to thank each and every one of you that have participated in our annual Mistletoe party over these last 10 years! Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to cancel this year’s function. So here’s a small video (below) just to reminisce on the Mistletoes of years’ past and to get you all excited for next year when we come back better than ever!
By Bro. Chris Ray December 11, 2020
For Immediate Release: ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. ALPHA RHO LAMBDA CHAPTER DECRIES THE SHOOTING DEATH OF ANOTHER BLACK MAN BY LAW ENFORCEMENT [COLUMBUS, OHIO December 10, 2020] – The leadership of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Rho Lambda Chapter located in Columbus, Ohio decries the shooting death of Casey Goodson, Jr., a 23 year old Black man, killed by a Franklin County sheriff’s deputy here in Columbus. Mr. Goodson was shot multiple times while entering his own home, following a dentist appointment, with only keys and sandwiches in his hands. While the details continue to be investigated, we struggle to find the right words that meet the trauma, the terror and the travesty of this unnecessary act of violence. The weight of this inconceivable trend of violence that bears on this community is only a small measure of the pain and suffering that Mr. Goodson’s family is currently experiencing. We mourn with them in their loss of a son, a grandson, a brother, a friend and a neighbor. As servants of this community and leaders for transformational change and community uplift, we cannot allow any institution that exists with the purpose of serving and protecting our community to render us powerless. We demand justice. We demand accountability. We demand procedural changes that directly impact the outcomes of these extrajudicial killings at the hands of law enforcement officers. We will be actively engaging with local representatives, advisory groups, and review boards to exercise our power to bring about the change our community so desperately needs so that other families, and our entire community, does not have to be subjected to these unconscionable acts of violence. ### Since its chartering in 1929, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Rho Lambda Chapter has been active in the greater Columbus area by providing leadership development and community advocacy via the Fraternity’s national and local initiatives. For more information, please contact Chapter President Mr. Luke Fedlam at .
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