What an incredible spring we have had, dear Brothers! As I pen this missive, my heart is full with that good ‘ole Alpha spirit! As you well know, we brought 11 new members (11th H.O.U.R.) into the 138th House of Alpha on March 19, 2022. Intake always injects life into the heart of a Chapter, and this time is no different. As Chapter President, I am overwhelmed by the level of excitement and energy within the Chapter. In addition to our new initiates in Alpha Rho Lambda Chapter, we also celebrate the reactivation of Xi Chi Chapter at Wittenberg University. Alpha is alive in Central Ohio!
With the excitement of our growth, we also need to allow this growth to continue to be the catalyst of the great work of Alpha. This Fall, we will be responsible for reactivating multiple college chapters in our Central Ohio Area. We will possibly be reactivating Phi, Omicron Rho, and Rho Upsilon Chapters this fall, and will be supporting Kappa and Xi Chi Chapters as they conduct intake in the fall. We need each of you to remain engaged with the college chapters in our Area as we do the work of Alpha.
The objectives of this Fraternity shall be, to stimulate the ambitions of its members. Brothers, we have a lot of great work happening in Alpha right now! Whatever your ambitions might be – health and wellness, supporting young people, civic engagement, educational philanthropy or more, know that we need your help in executing this work!
Let’s continue to live up to the high standard of Alpha excellence that we spent the past few weeks of IMDP teaching our new initiates!
Onward and Upward, Dear Brothers!
Bro. Luke Fedlam