ARL ILLUMINATOR VOL. 17 – Spring Issue, 2022

Chris Ray • April 15, 2022

President's Corner

What an incredible spring we have had, dear Brothers! As I pen this missive, my heart is full with that good ‘ole Alpha spirit! As you well know, we brought 11 new members (11th H.O.U.R.) into the 138th House of Alpha on March 19, 2022. Intake always injects life into the heart of a Chapter, and this time is no different. As Chapter President, I am overwhelmed by the level of excitement and energy within the Chapter. In addition to our new initiates in Alpha Rho Lambda Chapter, we also celebrate the reactivation of Xi Chi Chapter at Wittenberg University. Alpha is alive in Central Ohio!

With the excitement of our growth, we also need to allow this growth to continue to be the catalyst of the great work of Alpha. This Fall, we will be responsible for reactivating multiple college chapters in our Central Ohio Area. We will possibly be reactivating Phi, Omicron Rho, and Rho Upsilon Chapters this fall, and will be supporting Kappa and Xi Chi Chapters as they conduct intake in the fall. We need each of you to remain engaged with the college chapters in our Area as we do the work of Alpha. 

The objectives of this Fraternity shall be, to stimulate the ambitions of its members. Brothers, we have a lot of great work happening in Alpha right now! Whatever your ambitions might be – health and wellness, supporting young people, civic engagement, educational philanthropy or more, know that we need your help in executing this work! 

Let’s continue to live up to the high standard of Alpha excellence that we spent the past few weeks of IMDP teaching our new initiates!

Onward and Upward, Dear Brothers!  

Bro. Luke Fedlam


Chaplain's Ward

Deuteronomy 1:3, 1:8 (KJV)

And it came to pass in the fortieth year, in the eleventh month, on the first [day] of the month, [that] Moses spake unto the children of Israel, according unto all that the LORD had given him in commandment unto them;

Behold, I have set the land before you: go in and possess the land which the LORD sware unto your fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, to give unto them and to their seed after them.

Greetings brothers,

I am so glad to serve as your chaplain! It has truly been a blessing to serve for the last 11 years and I have in turn been blessed by the brothers of Alpha Rho Lambda and throughout the central Ohio area. Let us continue to keep the families of the brothers we have lost since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in our prayers as well as brothers and their families who have lost loved ones during that same period of time. I ask that you keep the brothers in prayer who have/had ailments and surgeries, for quick recovery. I also believe in prayer with action! Please take time to communicate to brothers in good and not so good times! Please read my reports and other communications to see a listing of brothers who have had recent losses in the family, surgeries, or requested prayer. Also, if there is any additional brothers/family members in need of prayer, please let me know. As a member, I work closely with the My Brothers Keeper Committee to uplift and assist our brothers.

In addition, I am grateful that there are so many praise reports to acknowledge. Brothers have become engaged or married. Some brothers have had children. Other brothers have furthered their academic pursuits or made upward professional moves in their careers. A large contingent of brothers are also celebrating Alphaversaries, like Bro. Dana Burke who has reached the magic number of 50 years and with Bros. John Gore and Doug Bailey only a year behind. I would be remiss if I did not acknowledge our newest brothers, The 11th H.O.U.R. I am exceedingly glad to have this group of brothers in this chapter and the Bible verse I provided was inspired by them. Let us go in and possess that which God has ordained for us. Through the power of prayer and the bond of brotherhood, we can do all things through our Lord and Savior who strengthens us!


Bro. Roderick Q. “Rodney” Blount, Jr.


Welcome the 11th H.O.U.R.!

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Alpha Rho Lambda's newest line, The 11th H.O.U.R., crossed March 19th, 2022. Their Probate Show was held on March 24th, 2022 at Columbus City Preparatory School for Boys (thanks Bro. Tai Cornute for the procurement and use of the venue!).

Dean: Bro. Antwaun Stanley (Alpha Rho Lambda, Spring '14)
ADP: Bro. Mo Wright (Beta Iota, Spring '99)

1. Marion Meadows - GRAND PH1NALE
2. Dontavius Jarrells - POLICEY CHANGE
3. Jonathan Pope - RH3TORICIAN
4. David Johnson - PHORTHOUGHT
5. Marvin Pennyman - ATONEMENT
6. Dontae Reynolds - BEDROCK
7. Steven Thomas - PROMETHEAN
8. Kevin Randolph - ODYSSEY
9. Craig Conley - INTERPHACE
10. Elon Simms - QUIET STORM
11. Doug Worthington - SENT11NEL

Welcome to Alpha Land, bruhs!

Xi Chi Chapter Reactivated After 14 Years

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Alpha Rho Lambda chapter also played an integral part in reactivating Xi Chi chapter at Wittenburg University, which, until this year, hadn't crossed a line since 2008. On March 19th, 2022, C.O.L.D. Illusionz crossed the burning sands alongside the 11th H.O.U.R.

Dean: Bro. Ezekiel Peebles (Alpha Rho Lambda, Spring '04)

ADP: Darnell Davis (Xi Chi, Spring '08)

1. Branden Nicholas - L.A.S.1.K.

Congrats to young Bro. Nicholas, who is a Sophomore at Wittenburg University studying Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Psychology, with plans on becoming a practicing Ophthalmologist. The young man is not only the only Alpha on campus, but also is the only D9 student in general, so it's paramount we pour into this brother and facilitate his endeavors on growing not only the Alpha population at Wittenburg, but also D9 orgs overall.

And congrats to Xi Chi chapter as well on their reactivation!

Alpha Day at the Capitol 2022

Recap provided by Bro. Raphael Davis-Williams

“Stand up! Step up!”

That is the clarion call sounded by our Oh Most Noble founding Jewel Brother Vertner Woodson Tandy back in 1936, marshalling our brotherhood to become, and remain, actively engaged in the civic, political, and electoral processes that govern every aspect of our lives. On March 30, 2022, more than one hundred thirty brothers from across the Ohio District of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. converged on the Ohio State House in Columbus, Ohio in emphatic response to Jewel Tandy’s call to civic action and engagement. And brothers did not waste a second of this golden opportunity to impress upon Ohio lawmakers the urgency and specificity of needs spanning the spectrum of Ohio’s Black communities.  

Former Democratic National Committee Vice-Chair Brother Michael Blake ignited the day at breakfast with a soul-stirring echo of Brother Jewel Tandy’s call to action. He then drew a direct connection between the political and social climate of the era when Brother Jewel Tandy issued his call to action to the brotherhood, to the political and social climate Black Ohioans are experiencing today in 2022.

Brother Blake’s powerful and inspiring admonition set the tone for the rest of the day. Under the banner of our dear fraternity’s “Go-To-High School, Go-To-College” program, the brothers engaged with education and teachers’ union leaders, as well as State Senator Teresa Fedor (D-Toledo), to press them on one of the district’s legislative priorities: improving educational outcomes across the state for Black students. Sen. Fedor committed to fiercely fighting to kill proposed legislation that would restrict Ohio educators’ ability to teach the historically and factually-accurate details of the story of the African‑American experience in the United States dating back to the 17th century. Brother Dr. Jack Thomas, President of Central State University, one of two HBCUs in Ohio, participated in the discussion as well, with a focus on increasing state funding to both Central State and Wilberforce University (the other HBCU located in Ohio, and the oldest HBCU in the nation).

Economic empowerment for Ohio’s Black citizens and Black-owned businesses also sparked thoughtful and serious conversation between the brothers and the governor’s Minority Business Development Division. One of the primary issues brought up specifically were the current plans to include, incorporate, and ensure Black Ohioans share equally and equitably in the once-in-a-generation economic windfall ahead for the Buckeye State, as Intel Corporation is choosing Ohio as its destination to build the largest computer chip manufacturing facility in history. The Ohio District brothers stressed to the governor’s representatives that, as strong advocates for Black businesses and business opportunities, Alpha Phi Alpha will hold both the state and Intel accountable for creating genuine and systemic equity, inclusion, diversity, and belonging across all aspects of this venture – from contractors, subcontractors, and vendors to decision-making C‑Suite executives.

The entire Ohio State House buzzed with palpable excitement as the men of Alpha made their way through the hallways interacting with lawmakers – and also with several hard-working support staff of the Capitol, many of whom were Black. The staff made a point to share with brothers how proud and thrilled they were to witness such a rare sight: dozens of professional Black men conducting the people’s business in the hallowed halls of the Ohio State House. Following brief remarks and the presentation to the brothers of a proclamation declaring March 30, 2022 Alpha Day at The Capitol by Ohio Lieutenant Governor Jon Husted (R), both the Ohio House and Senate paused their floor activities to recognize the brothers of the Ohio District who filled the galleries of both chambers. On the House side, Brother Representative Dontavius Jarrells (D-District 25) and Brother Representative Willis Blackshear, Jr. (D-District 39) introduced the brothers from the floor; on the Senate side, Brother Dr. Senator Vernon Sykes (D‑Akron) did the honors.

By all measures, the day could only be described as a resounding success. The brothers of the Ohio District accomplished precisely what they set out to do: make an unequivocal, unambiguous statement that Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. is, today in 2022 and in the years ahead, heeding the nearly century’s old call of our Oh Most Noble Jewel Brother Tandy to “stand up” and “step up” to make our voices meaningfully heard as active participants in our American democracy.

All Politics, Including International Conflicts, Are Local

by Bro. Raphael Davis-Williams

On February 24, 2022, Russia, without provocation nor justification, invaded its neighbor, Ukraine. Russia’s leader, Vladimir Putin, ruthlessly rained mayhem on the citizens of Ukraine: bombing civilian neighborhoods, hospitals, and shelters where innocent children huddled trying to escape the carnage. Thousands of Ukrainians are dead, and millions are displaced, creating a global refugee and humanitarian crisis. Putin’s delusional goal is to geographically, politically, and (most importantly) economically return the former Soviet Union to its Cold War glory days by reclaiming land and countries that broke away from the Soviet Union, which ultimately led to its demise in the 1980s.

How does an Eastern European war 5,000 miles from Columbus, Ohio impact the Brothers of the 138th House of Alpha? In a word: leadership. The response of the United States to Russia and Putin’s sadistic, baseless war is critical. The U.S. continues to be overly reliant on Russian oil; international sanctions severely limiting the markets where Russia can sell its oil is why it now requires a small loan to fill up gas tanks in Columbus. Ukraine is the world’s largest producer of wheat; with global inflation already spiking, the cost of wheat products like bread and beer will likely soar soon.

Under the leadership of the Biden administration, the U.S. gathered, galvanized, and is leading an unprecedented international coalition of nations that are standing firm and taking effective actions against Russia and Putin’s aggression in Ukraine. Those efforts, along with the resilience and tenacity of the Ukrainian people who are fighting back with the heart of David against Goliath, are, at least for now, severely impairing Putin’s plan to quickly invade, occupy, and control Ukraine.

Without question the world would be in a far, far darker place if the previous U.S. presidential administration was still in charge. In fact, there are credible arguments that Putin and Russian intelligence invested enormous resources into undermining the outcomes of the 2016 and 2020 U.S. presidential elections – for this very reason, to have a puppet regime in place in the United States that would not challenge him, but cheer him on, as he waged the most aggressive war on European land since World War II.

Leadership matters. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris are leading the U.S. today because we -- "The People" -- chose and elected them for these roles. Thank God they are the ones in the decision making seats during this international crisis rather than their predecessors. Our 21st century globally-connected world does not permit us, even here in Columbus, Ohio, to be disengaged from electoral politics. Russia’s invasion and war with Ukraine is the current crisis, but be assured, it is not the only or last crisis. Looming over us all are domestic issues here at home in the U.S. that definitely impact each of our lives at a significantly more personal level. Our hearts are heavy, and we pray for the poor people of Ukraine. If we fail to engage, if we fail to educate ourselves and actively participate in choosing our leaders, the horrors unfolding a half a globe away will, with certainty, find their way to our Midwest doorsteps.

Alpha Rho Lambda in Columbus's 2022 MLK March

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The City of Columbus's annual MLK March fell on a day where the temperature was 23 degrees Fahrenheit, with a wind chill temperature of 10 degrees, but that still did not stop Alpha Rho Lambda chapter from stepping out and representing the brotherhood in great number. 15-20 brothers showed up, and not only participated in the march, but also facilitated voter registration amongst the civilian crowd that was present for the event as well. Way to show out, brothers!

ARL Top Golf Outing

On March 20th, the Social Committee of Alpha Rho Lambda planned and hosted a Top Golf outing for brothers to come out, tee off, and fellowship. The weather was nice, 20-25 brothers showed up in total, and a good time was had by all.

Make sure you come out for the next fellowship outing: Brotherhood Smoke on April 23rd at La Chaveta Lounge from 3pm - 5pm (BYOB). Also be sure to stay on the lookout for all future Social Committee events for the chapter!

By Bro. Chris Ray April 9, 2021
The President's Corner
By Chris Ray December 25, 2020
We hope you all are enjoying this joyful day amongst friends and family. Merry Christmas from the 138th House! 🎄🤙🏾 The post Merry Christmas! first appeared on Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Rho Lambda, Columbus, OH.
By Chris Ray December 25, 2020
On behalf of the Junior Esquires Academy committee and the Alpha Rho Lambda chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., we wish you all Happy Holidays and a prosperous New Year! The post Happy Holidays from the Junior Esquires! first appeared on Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Rho Lambda, Columbus, OH.
By Chris Ray December 21, 2020
On this day 91 years ago, the COLDEST chapter ever was chartered. Happy Charter Day to the 138th House! 🤙🏾 The post Happy 91st Charter Day! first appeared on Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Rho Lambda, Columbus, OH.
By Bro. Chris Ray December 18, 2020
The brothers of Alpha Rho Lambda chapter would like to thank each and every one of you that have participated in our annual Mistletoe party over these last 10 years! Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to cancel this year’s function. So here’s a small video (below) just to reminisce on the Mistletoes of years’ past and to get you all excited for next year when we come back better than ever!
By Bro. Chris Ray December 11, 2020
For Immediate Release: ALPHA PHI ALPHA FRATERNITY, INC. ALPHA RHO LAMBDA CHAPTER DECRIES THE SHOOTING DEATH OF ANOTHER BLACK MAN BY LAW ENFORCEMENT [COLUMBUS, OHIO December 10, 2020] – The leadership of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Rho Lambda Chapter located in Columbus, Ohio decries the shooting death of Casey Goodson, Jr., a 23 year old Black man, killed by a Franklin County sheriff’s deputy here in Columbus. Mr. Goodson was shot multiple times while entering his own home, following a dentist appointment, with only keys and sandwiches in his hands. While the details continue to be investigated, we struggle to find the right words that meet the trauma, the terror and the travesty of this unnecessary act of violence. The weight of this inconceivable trend of violence that bears on this community is only a small measure of the pain and suffering that Mr. Goodson’s family is currently experiencing. We mourn with them in their loss of a son, a grandson, a brother, a friend and a neighbor. As servants of this community and leaders for transformational change and community uplift, we cannot allow any institution that exists with the purpose of serving and protecting our community to render us powerless. We demand justice. We demand accountability. We demand procedural changes that directly impact the outcomes of these extrajudicial killings at the hands of law enforcement officers. We will be actively engaging with local representatives, advisory groups, and review boards to exercise our power to bring about the change our community so desperately needs so that other families, and our entire community, does not have to be subjected to these unconscionable acts of violence. ### Since its chartering in 1929, Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. Alpha Rho Lambda Chapter has been active in the greater Columbus area by providing leadership development and community advocacy via the Fraternity’s national and local initiatives. For more information, please contact Chapter President Mr. Luke Fedlam at .
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