The Ask
The Columbus alumni chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated, Alpha Rho Lambda chapter was asked to donate $5,000 for water supplies and has one its members paying for the transportation of that water. Alpha Phi Alpha in Columbus said “Yes! We will donate and support!
The Donation
“Brothers: I am humbled and encouraged to see brothers so willing to get engaged with the Flint project. Aside from brother’s individually offering time to lend a hand, the chapter’s donation to the cause will make Saturday’s trip the largest and most successful to date. The Alpha Rho Lambda chapter and brothers have been critical to making this run happen. Thank you.
– 880 cases of 48- count water, totaling 22 pallets; 42,240 bottles– 250 care packages, containing:
– Brother Jaquan Yawn
The Impact and the Need
“The trip was a success! Everyone arrived and returned home safely. The first timers volunteers were able to interact with residents, which was mutually impactful. Unfortunately, the circumstances on the ground have not improved. We were the only group I saw providing water/ supplies of any kind; a stark contrast from January and March.
Special thanks to the following brothers for helping make this possible:
– Brother Jaquan Yawn
Brothers, please take a moment to reflect on these numbers and their impact as service and advocacy for our communities (near and far) was on true display!
To learn more on the Flint water crisis, or donate your time or money, please visit http://columbus4flint.com.
First of All, Servants of All, We Shall Transcend All!
Happy Founder’s Day!
A photo posted by Alpha Rho Lambda (@alphacolumbus) on
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