ARL ILLUMINATOR VOL. 13 – ISSUE 2, Brotherhood Edition 2018

Chris Ray • October 12, 2018

The President’s Corner 


“Our family trees are not the same; we both have a different mother

And yet I’d proudly tell the world that this man is my brother”  

Brotherhood is never as simple as it sounds. It is a journey that takes place from the time we express interest in the pursuit of fraternity life. There is an innate desire that stirs in our soul that speaks to the need to be associated with those that are like minded. If we are lucky, we will get the opportunity to forge ahead with those that desire more intimate contacts than their classroom studies permit or those that desire more intimate contacts than their occupational and personal endeavors permit.  

We must never lose sight of the fact that the current state of the world we live in mimics the same issues that existed during the time of 1905-1906. The pursuit of Brotherhood carried our brothers back then and it will be brotherhood that carries us now.  

Brothers, I encourage you to consider the potential and impact that can be gained from those that join in the fight against hatred, bigotry, and the discountenance of all evil. The 138 th house that is Alpha Rho Lambda is made up of brothers that are young at heart, seasoned in wisdom, and spry in their quest of leadership. The road that lies ahead requires brothers that are of character, scholarship, fellowship and devotion to the cause.  

So brothers as we begin the fraternal year, I implore you to remember that brotherhood is invaluable and that regardless of your walk of life or your plight your place will forever be associated with the black and old gold, we call Alpha.  

— Bro. Pres. Ezekiel Peebles


The Chaplain’s Ward 

Greetings Brothers,


The Power of Banding as Brothers

The Kaepernick Story…

“Believe in something. Even if it means sacrificing everything.”

These were the words Nike donned as the caption for their most recent controversial campaign featuring Colin Kaepernick. Unless you’ve been living under a rock for the past few years, you’ll know that Colin Kaepernick, a once star (if only short-lived) quarterback in the NFL for the San Francisco 49ers who led his team to the Super Bowl in only his Sophomore season, decided to kneel for the National Anthem in the final preseason game of the 2016 season on Sept. 1, 2016 as a means to protest racial injustice amidst the police brutality events that were scouring the nation. That one kneel sparked the beginning of a movement where protestors everywhere are now kneeling to also join Kaepernick in his plight of showing dissatisfaction towards the current racial tensions of our country. However, it would also spark the onset of the fall of Kaepernick’s NFL career, as slowly but surely he would be blackballed by the league, it’s front office, general manager, and coaches, to the point where he would not be signed by any team, despite possessing the skill and abilities to be a backup quarterback for a team at the utmost very least.

To any patriotic individual within question, Kaepernick is Public Enemy #1…

When Kaepernick kneeled, he became the nation’s biggest controversy. Self-recorded videos, internet comments, articles, almost every media form imaginable was utilized by conservative individuals who decided to evoke their extreme disgust at the “nerve” Kaepernick had to kneel during something as sacred and dear to the United States as the National Anthem. They seen it not only as disrespect to the country, but also to all the men and women who serve and once-served in the military and put their lives on the line for our freedom. From 2016 to now, even two years later, Kaepernick’s name is still touted as a traitor to our country by the American patriot population.

And as of a month ago, Sept. 2018 — exactly two years after the initial kneel, Nike decided to use that fuel of hatred as a means to push the envelope on their “Just Do It” campaign by releasing the infamous Kaepernick ad mentioned above. This controversial ad would enrage many nationalist across the United States to the point where hundreds (if not thousands) of videos were uploaded showing themselves burning their Nike attire, shoes, and accessories as a means to show their dissatisfaction and protest against the stance Nike decided to take on the Kaepernick issue. A few days following this, media outlets would note that Nike’s stock had dropped 3% almost immediately, as a way to show that it was a poor business move on Nike’s part…

However, what they failed to realize is, the entire stock market was down during that time period, and that Nike’s stock was merely following the trend of the market. If you looked at Puma and Adidas’s stocks, you’d see that they, too, were down at that time by a similar percentage. So it’s safe to say the Nike ad had no overt bearing on the company’s stock performance. In fact, quite contrarily, Nike’s online sales would see a 31% increase (TIME Magazine) immediately following the release of the ad, which displays the shift of the population of the country who are vying to show their alignment with Nike and endorse them for their decision.

Could one say that Nike’s morals and desire to “stand for what’s right” were genuine here and that they were actually just trying to capitalize off the controversy of the event in order to drive attention (and thus sales) for the company via a purely business move? Perhaps.In fact, it wouldn’t be surprising at all. But that’s a whole other discussion. What matters is that they did it. And with that, we’ve seen millions across the nation joining the “Kneel” protest, where you can see attendees and players alike kneeling during the anthem at high school games, and even celebrities (such as NBA legend Bill Russell, pictured) kneeling and joining in the protest. All it took was that one brave, unapologetic act by Kaepernick to set off a nationwide phenomenon. Have there been any immediate drastic changes in regards to police brutality? Not quite. But you’d be wrong to say that the movement hasn’t shifted anything at all. People are listening. Feathers are being ruffled. The country is getting in a state of uncomfortableness.

And you can’t foster change without being uncomfortable.

— Bro. Chris Ray


Parliamentarian’s Tip

I know this doesn’t happen in ARL, but how many times have you been to a meeting that didn’t go well?

Did it seem that the chair didn’t keep order?…

Was there a feeling that something was “railroaded”?…

Did it take an interminable amount of time to settle the simplest things?…

What was wrong???


9 times out of 10, the fundamentals of Robert’s Rules of Order were either not adhered to, or members did not know their rights and privileges as a member.  Below are some basic parliamentary rules you should know; therefore, you won’t have to continue suffer through a non-productive meeting.

— Bro. John Gore


AALA Class of 2018 — The New Initiates

The African American Leadership Academy (AALA) seen its newest cohort graduate this past September. Of this cohort of 20, three of them were Alpha Rho Lambda members: Brothers Robert Shorty, Tyrome Alexander, and Almar Walter; and the program was ran by Bro. Mo Wright, the Director of Strategy and Programs of AALA

The program ran from December of last year up through this past August. The program featured two dynamic speakers: Audra Bohannan (Senior Partner at Korn Ferry) and Donna James (Managing Director at Lardon & Associates, LLC).  

According to Bro. Robert Shorty:  

“I work in Human Resources so not only have I been a huge part of developing leadership programs, but I’ve participated in quite a few as well. So initially I was a bit jaded by hearing the sound of yet another development program… but this was a completely unique experience in that it’s really about YOU — you are the project. It’s really about putting yourself in the seat to really understand what gaps, what things do you need to do as a professional to get where you want to go. It really makes you take the time to dive deep ask yourself ‘What is it that I want, why do I want it, and what am I willing to pay to get it?’

It was an amazing program that genuinely challenges you to think about what it is that you want both personally and professionally out of life, and what you’re willing to do to get it. It truly stretches your thinking, to challenge yourself to make the biggest impact of what you want out of your life, and doing the least amount of work to achieve that. It’s about efficacy . It’s all about your own personal development and what it is you want to do, and getting to that point as efficiently as possible.”

The program is highly selective; no more than 20 people get selected in each cohort. Nominations are required, and over 100 nominations have already been submitted for the next cycle in 2019. It’s not uncommon for people have to apply multiple times before being accepted into the program.  

AALA strives to have a good balance in their cohort selections: private sector, public sector, non-profit sector, entrepreneurial, etc.   Age range is very diverse too. The youngest person in this graduating cohort was 27, while the oldest was in his or her mid-50s. There’s also a fairly even ratio between men and women.  

Interesting enough, there were six men of Alpha in total whom graduated. Besides the three aforementioned above, there was also Bros. John Davis, Marshall Shorts, and Spencer Palmer.

According to Bro. Tyrome Alexander:

“African American Leadership Academy (AALA) has taught me the importance of living life by design and not by default!  

This experience has provided a framework for self-reflection, a lens to critically review career and personal pursuits, and a better understanding of the unique circumstances African American professionals encounter in the workplace.  It forced me to be uncomfortable and vulnerable… something I needed to go through in order for growth.

This journey has resulted in the tools to be strategic and deliberate in my next professional and personal pursuits; the importance of “self-care” ; development of new friendships with 19 amazing fellows and the opportunity grow and strengthen the bonds of Alpha Brotherhood with John Davis, Spencer Palmer, Marshall Shorts, Robert Shorty, Almar Walter and Mo Wright.  

I would encourage any brother interested in developing a clearer sense of personal and professional strengths, confidence to effectively identity and pursue your passions and an increase commitment to shaping our community, seek out the African American Leadership Academy.”

The program utilized Strength Finders to help you identify what your major strengths are as a leader. The philosophy is that sometimes we try to focus on how to improve on our weaknesses, but Strength Finder says don’t focus do much on your weakness – your weakness is always going to be your weakness. Rather, you should focus on your strengths and identify how you can use them to get what you want and get stuff done rather than trying to employ something you’re not great at.

The program is completely free. You have to be recommended. The only people who can recommend are past Fellows (people who have already graduated the program), Board members, Sponsors can also potentially nominate as well. You’re only allocated 2 sponsees per cycle.  

For people who are trying to supercharge their leadership potential, this program is something that can definitely assist you in that capacity.

— Bro. Chris Ray


The Impact of a Helping Hand

During past chapter president Bro. Corey Posey’s administration (2014-16), a brother by the name of Kevin Williams had a wife who was the Postmaster for the Pickerington post office. He worked in Law Enforcement, so he himself was working in another state. One day, his wife fell ill, so he reached out to the general office and explained that his wife needed assistance but he was too far away himself to help her and didn’t know of anyone that lived in Columbus on which he could call upon, so he requested to be put in touch with the local chapter over Columbus in order to receive some support in helping to relocate his wife. The general office proceeded to give him Bro. Posey’s number, and upon reaching out to Bro. Posey with his plea, Posey responded with “Absolutely. We’ll show up, we’ll have brothers out there and we’ll get her moved”.

Later that week, brothers came out in large numbers to help move the wife’s belongings out of her house and prepare her for her move. So many brothers showed up that they packed the wife’s entire house up in only 60 mins. In fact, brothers were even still showing up afterwards and there was nothing for them to do because all the work had already been done.  

Fast forward to last month at the Executive Leadership Retreat in Toronto, where Bro. Kevin was giving a presentation on Law Enforcement Safety, and he ended his presentation with the story above and let the entire congregation know how much ARL had helped him out and how eternally grateful he was. He was almost in tears as he was telling this story because it was such a show of the strength of Alpha to be able to have so many brothers stop what they were doing to come pack his wife’s house up and not even know him or his wife at all, but “because of our bond in Alpha that we’re going to come support you regardless”. He said that’s why he LOVES Alpha Rho Lambda.  

The message is the power of brotherhood and the power of Alpha. That ONE good deed from way back in 2015 still resonates with him and has impacted in such a great way. He couldn’t get his wife. He didn’t have anywhere to go or anyone he personally knew that he could call on to help. So he found refuge in his brothers in Alpha.  And that will forever leave a lasting impression with him.

— Bro. Chris Ray

By Chris Ray April 15, 2022
President's Corner
By Bro. Chris Ray April 9, 2021
The President's Corner
By Chris Ray December 25, 2020
We hope you all are enjoying this joyful day amongst friends and family. Merry Christmas from the 138th House! 🎄🤙🏾 The post Merry Christmas! first appeared on Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Rho Lambda, Columbus, OH.
By Chris Ray December 25, 2020
On behalf of the Junior Esquires Academy committee and the Alpha Rho Lambda chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc., we wish you all Happy Holidays and a prosperous New Year! The post Happy Holidays from the Junior Esquires! first appeared on Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Rho Lambda, Columbus, OH.
By Chris Ray December 21, 2020
On this day 91 years ago, the COLDEST chapter ever was chartered. Happy Charter Day to the 138th House! 🤙🏾 The post Happy 91st Charter Day! first appeared on Alpha Phi Alpha, Alpha Rho Lambda, Columbus, OH.
By Bro. Chris Ray December 18, 2020
The brothers of Alpha Rho Lambda chapter would like to thank each and every one of you that have participated in our annual Mistletoe party over these last 10 years! Unfortunately, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we had to cancel this year’s function. So here’s a small video (below) just to reminisce on the Mistletoes of years’ past and to get you all excited for next year when we come back better than ever!
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