The President’s Corner
Scholarship is the cornerstone of what It means to be a member of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Inc. The pursuit of learning at a high level or mastering a specific field of academic study is something every brother should consider. College brothers and Alumni Brothers can agree that that the journey of enlightenment is endless and will be filled with challenges and achievements.
As President of the 138 th House I submit my name to be included as someone striving for greatness. Brothers, the Jewels of the organization were no ordinary men. The academic pursuits we have come to learn more about in the early 1900s were filled with challenges and adversity. However, this did not stop them from pushing forward in their academic pursuits to reach full development. I believe that the aim of Scholarship should always be on the fore front of brothers as they navigate through life.
I am reminded in this season of college days swiftly passing due to our area having seen evidence of brothers completing baccalaureate degrees with ALPHA HONOR. They are graduating in a timely manner, with high grade point averages and completing with jobs in their chosen area of expertise. Congratulations College Brothers, as brothers in the Central Ohio Area we can be share in your success and be proud that you have represented your university, home chapter and above all things, you have represented YOURSELF well.
I am also reminded that Alumni brothers are pursing advanced degrees to help elevate their careers to the next level in their pursuit of reaching full development. They are balancing current career duties with home life which can include their wife or significant other and children while excelling in the classroom as well. Scholarship! Brothers, it does not leave us once we achieved the baccalaureate degree. It is merely the appetizer. Thank you, Alumni brothers, for setting the example that brothers everywhere can achieve more as we all grow and develop and aspire for excellence.
In closing Brothers, I urge you to never settle for less in life and especially as it pertains to knowledge and the pursuit of enlightenment. We have over 112 years of brothers that believe in Scholarship and the impact it can have on not only ourselves but the world. Let’s continue in true Alpha fashion brothers and that is ONWARD & UPWARD!
The Chaplain’s Ward

Greetings Brothers,
The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. I want to thank my Alpha Rho Lambda brothers for your outstanding support of myself in my role as Chaplain, but most especially for your zeal in helping other brothers. The camaraderie in the chapter over the last few years has continued to grow and I hope that the spirit of the fraternity will continue to make us servants of all.
Again, I want to thank brothers who have served on the Chaplain’s committee and the Omega service team for their dedication. The Omega service team and all brothers that participate in our Omega service are essential to not only give our departed brothers a proper send off, but it exemplifies to their families the love and respect we had for our brothers. I encourage brothers to continue to check in on our sick and distressed brothers. Brothers, if you know of brothers who are sick, in distress, or who have passed away, please let me know as soon as you find out so I can respond in a timely manner. In addition, if brothers are doing well and would like prayer/counsel, please let me know as well as there are so many good things going on for Columbus area brothers. I will continue to keep all of our brothers and families in our prayers for prosperity, healing, strength, and wisdom.
Let’s particularly keep the families of our recently deceased: Bros. Bishop McKinley Young, Oscar Watson, Eddie Jones, Dr. John Moyler, Dr. Charles Wesley Bridges, James Gainey, James K. Jackson, Ivan Cotman, Bishop Frederick Talbot, and Rev. Demetrius Stewart, in prayer. These brothers were giants in our community and truly reflected the values of Alpha men and more importantly, men of God. “And I heard a voice from heaven saying, ‘Write this: Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’ ‘Blessed indeed,’ says the Spirit, ‘that they may rest from their labors, for their deeds follow them!’” (Revelation 14:13)
Bro. Roderick “Rodney” Q. Blount, Jr.
Alpha Rho Lambda: HBCU Alumni
College, more than just an academic ordeal, is a time where one is making the esteemed transition from youth to adulthood. The experience one has in college differs from person-to-person, and from school to school. One major duality within the college life experience, though, is the age-old debate between PWIs (Predominantly White Institutions) and HBCUs (Historically Black College and Universities). We asked various brothers within the ARL chapter a list of questions in order to have them reflect and speak on their experiences as HBCU students. The following are their responses: